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What is horticulture?
The term ―Horticulture‖ is derived from two Latin words i.e. ―Hortus‖ meaning
garden or enclosure and ―Cultra‖ meaning cultivation. So, horticulture literally means
garden culture or culture of garden crops.
The term ―Agriculture‖ refers broadly to the technology of raising plants and
animals .On the other hand ―Horticulture‖ which is a part of agriculture is concerned
with the raising of so called garden crops.
Divisions of horticulture:
Horticulture crops include fruits, Vegetables, flowers, plantation crops, Spices,
condiments, Medicinal and Aromatic crops etc. In addition to these, Horticulture also
deals with raising of trees for shade, ornamental and avenue purposes, planning and
raising of ornamental gardens, parks and raising of seed and planting material.
Further, horticulture also deals with the utilization of horticulture produce and
improvement of horticulture crops.
Hence, based upon the crops dealt and also their purpose and utilization, the branch
of horticulture is sub-divided in to the following divisions for convenience.
Pomology: It is derived from two words i.e.‖ Pomum‖ meaning fruit and ―Logos‖
meaning discourse or study. So, pomology is study or cultivation of fruit crops.
E.g. Mango, Sapota, Guava, Grape, Banana etc.
Fruit: It is a developed and matured ovary with or with out accessory parts and which is generally eaten
as raw.
Olericulture: It is derived from two words ie.‖Oleris‖ meaning Potherb and ―Cultra‖
meaning cultivation. So, Olericulture literally means potherb cultivation. In the present
days it is broadly used to indicate the cultivation of vegetables.Eg. Brinjal, Okra,
Tomato, Pumpkin etc.
Vegetable: It is any part of the herbaceous plant that is generally used after cooking as a principal part of
the meal.
Floriculture: It is derived from two words i.e. ―Florus‖ meaning flower and ―Cultra‖
meaning cultivation. So floriculture means study of flower crops.
In this there are again two sub-divisions. (1) Commercial Floriculture (2)
Ornamental Floriculture.
Commercial floriculture: Deals with the cultivation of flower crops grown on
commercial scale for profit (Income). E.g.: Rose, Jasmine, Carnation, Aster, and
Marigold etc.
Ornamental floriculture: It deals with the raising of flower crops for ornamental,
pleasure and fashion purposes. E.g.: Dahlia, Zinnia, Cosmos, Hibiscus, Balsam,
Nerium, Poinsettia, Hollyhock, Gerbera, and Gaillardia etc.
Arboriculture: This branch deals with the raising of perennial trees meant for shade,
avenue or ornamental purposes. Eg.Polyalthia, Spathodea, Cassia, Gulmohar etc.
Plantation crops: Are those crops, which are cultivated in an extensive scale in large
contiguous areas, owned and managed by an individual or a company and whose
produce is utilized only after processing.Eg. Coffee, Tea, Rubber, Coconut, Cocoa
Spices and condiments: This branch deals with the cultivation of crops whose
produce is used mainly for seasoning and flavouring dishes.
Spices: Are those plants the products of which are made use of as food adjuncts to add aroma and
flavour. Eg. Pepper, Cardamom, Clove, Cinnamon, All spice etc.
Condiments: Are those plants the products of which are made use of as food adjuncts to add taste only.
Eg.Turmeric,Ginger,Red chillies,Onion,Garlic etc.
Both spices and condiments contain essential oils, which provide aroma, flavour and
taste and they are of little nutritive value.
Medicinal and aromatic plants: It deals with the cultivation of medicinal plants, which
provide drugs and aromatic crops which yields aromatic (essential) oils.
Medicinal plants- are those plants, which are rich in secondary metabolites and are potential sources of
drugs. The secondary metabolites include alkaloids, glycosides, coumarins, flavonoides and steroids etc.
Eg. Periwinkle, Opium, Menthi, Cinchona, Dioscorea Yam, Belladona, Senna, Sarpagandha,
Aswagandha, Tulasi etc.
Aromatic plants- are those plants, which possesses essential oils in them. The essential oils are the
odoriferous steam volatile constituents of aromatic plants. Eg. Lemon grass, Citronella, Palmrosa,
Vetiver, Geranium, Davanam, Lavendor etc.
Fruit technology: It deals with the processing and preservation of produce of
horticulture crops.
Landscape gardening: It deals with the planning and execution of ornamental
gardens, parks, landscape gardens etc.
Nursery and seed production: It deals with the production of seeds and planting
material of horticulture crops on commercial basis.
Plants grown for aesthetic value are also included in horticulture. Though crops like
potato, cowpea and several condiments are grown as field crops they are included
under horticultural crops when they are grown as vegetables in small areas.


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