Carambola or starfruit (Averrhoa carambola) is native to Indonesia. The acidic nature of the pulp is due to its oxalic acid content. Although carambola is not an economically significant crop in India, one can come across this fruit-cum-ornamental tree in several gardens. It is a small tree with drooping branches and bears attractive, golden-yellow, 3–5 ribbed, oval-elliptic fruits measuring 12–15 cm in length. A fruit crop akin to carambola, bilimbi (A. bilimbi) produces gherkin-like fruits which are used for making pickles and curries due to the presence of high amount of acid (6%) in the pulp.
Fruits of carambola contain a juicy pulp which may be acidic or sweet depending on type. The fruit is a good source of vitamin A, B and C together with valuable minerals and iron but not calcium. Various plant parts of this fruit are credited with medicinal properties, e.g. root extract is used as an antidote for poisoning, and the crushed leaves for curing chicken pox, ring worm and scabies. The pulp of immature fruits is used for cleaning brassware.
Climate and soils
Carambola prefers warm moist climate and can be grown on the hills up to 1,200 m. A well-distributed rainfall encourages normal growth and cropping. It can grow on any type of soil with good drainage, but deep rich soil supports better plant growth. Although it grows both in acid and alkaline soils, it prefers acid soil. Trees growing on calcareous soils sometimes require zinc sprays.
Specific varieties are not known in carambola, but 2 main types are distinguished, viz. sour and sweet. The sour types contain as much as 1% acid and the sweet types have low acid (0.4%) with 5% sugars. Some Chinese types like Fuang Tung are very sweet and Brazilian ones are rich in vitamin C. Some superior types of carambola are available at Columbia (Icambola), Taiwan (Tean Ma, Min Tao) and Hawaii (Golden Star).
Carambola is often propagated through seeds, but budding, grafting and layering are recommended to produce true-to-type plants. The seeds have low viability and hence should be sown fresh. After cleaning and drying the seeds, they should be sown in pots and regularly watered. The seedlings are transplanted to individual pots or plastic bags and allowed to harden. They are then transplanted to the field. When seedlings are to serve as rootstock, they should be at least one year old, on which budding (shield) or grafting (veneer or approach) can be taken up.
Carambola or starfruit (Averrhoa carambola) is native to Indonesia. The acidic nature of the pulp is due to its oxalic acid content. Although carambola is not an economically significant crop in India, one can come across this fruit-cum-ornamental tree in several gardens. It is a small tree with drooping branches and bears attractive, golden-yellow, 3–5 ribbed, oval-elliptic fruits measuring 12–15 cm in length. A fruit crop akin to carambola, bilimbi (A. bilimbi) produces gherkin-like fruits which are used for making pickles and curries due to the presence of high amount of acid (6%) in the pulp.
Fruits of carambola contain a juicy pulp which may be acidic or sweet depending on type. The fruit is a good source of vitamin A, B and C together with valuable minerals and iron but not calcium. Various plant parts of this fruit are credited with medicinal properties, e.g. root extract is used as an antidote for poisoning, and the crushed leaves for curing chicken pox, ring worm and scabies. The pulp of immature fruits is used for cleaning brassware.
Climate and soils
Carambola prefers warm moist climate and can be grown on the hills up to 1,200 m. A well-distributed rainfall encourages normal growth and cropping. It can grow on any type of soil with good drainage, but deep rich soil supports better plant growth. Although it grows both in acid and alkaline soils, it prefers acid soil. Trees growing on calcareous soils sometimes require zinc sprays.
Specific varieties are not known in carambola, but 2 main types are distinguished, viz. sour and sweet. The sour types contain as much as 1% acid and the sweet types have low acid (0.4%) with 5% sugars. Some Chinese types like Fuang Tung are very sweet and Brazilian ones are rich in vitamin C. Some superior types of carambola are available at Columbia (Icambola), Taiwan (Tean Ma, Min Tao) and Hawaii (Golden Star).
Carambola is often propagated through seeds, but budding, grafting and layering are recommended to produce true-to-type plants. The seeds have low viability and hence should be sown fresh. After cleaning and drying the seeds, they should be sown in pots and regularly watered. The seedlings are transplanted to individual pots or plastic bags and allowed to harden. They are then transplanted to the field. When seedlings are to serve as rootstock, they should be at least one year old, on which budding (shield) or grafting (veneer or approach) can be taken up.
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