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Mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana) is a broad-leaved, medium-size, ever-green tree. It is considered by many to be the most delicious fruit of the tropics with a universal appeal. According to some, it is ‘the finest fruit of the world’ or ‘queen of fruits’. The exquisite flavour of the fruit is likened to that of nectar and is the only fruit in which glucose is in readily available form. Mangosteen cultivation is popular in Indonesia, Philippines, Burma, Sri Lanka and Malaysia. The fruit was introduced more than a century ago in India, but currently it is successfully grown only in selected places on slopes of Nilgiris (Tamil Nadu), Malabar and Kanyakumari (Kerala).
The mature tree reaches a height anywhere between 10 and 25m with a dense pyramidal crown and glossy bright leaves. Mangosteen fruit resembles small-sized orange with a smooth reddish purple cortex (rind) which is about 0.6 cm in thickness. Inside the fruit, 4–6 segments are found but only 1–2 of them contain seeds that have the size and shape of a shelled almond. The pearly white pulp is so soft and juicy that it almost melts in mouth with an indescribably sweet and pleasant flavour. The cortex is used in treating chronic diarrhoea, uretural irritation, gonorrhea etc. It is also used in tannary because of higher content of tannins up to 13%.
Climate and soil
Mangosteen is a fruit of humid tropics and comes well in south India up to an altitude of 400–900 m and areas receiving 180–250 cm rainfall. Generally, frost-free regions with equatorial climate that lie at the foothills are suitable for cultivation. Very high humid or arid conditions over a long spell in a year are not suitable as these lead to ‘gamboge’—a disorder wherein there is excessive exudation of latex by branches and fruit pericarp.
Although mangosteen is not very specific in its soil requirement, it thrives successfully in deep, well-drained soil with high content of organic matter. The trees have been observed to grow well in contrasting soil environments, in soils that are moist naturally throughout the year (Sri Lanka) and in areas where the annual rainfall is just 15cm but trees receive irrigation once in a fortnight (Hawaii). Generally, mangosteen come up well close to water bodies when the watertable is below 2m, provided the soil is non-alkaline. It can develop normally when no shade is provided.

Elite mangosteen varieties are unknown, though it has been cultivated for centuries. The occurrence of natural variability is also limited by the fact that ‘seeds’ are of asexual origin, they are formed from the nucellar tissue in the parthenocarpic fruit. However, a general grouping of cultivated mangosteen into 2 types is possible: one with large leaves and fruits of variable size and the other with small leaves and small fruits. In Philippines, a variety called Jolo produces fruits that are larger, with big seeds but more delicious pulp than the common cultivated type.


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