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Applications And achievements of  Post harvest Biotechnology of flowers and ornamentals
*  Flowers by nature attract every human  being.
*  In India commercial growing of flowers are presently confined to Karnataka, Tamilnadu, Andhar Pradesh, West Bengal, Maharashtra, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, Delhi, Harayana.
*     The major flowers grown in India are marigold, aster, roses, tuberous, gladiolus, jasmine, crossandra in open field.
*     while gerbera, carnation, roses, anthurium, orchids etc. are grown in green house condition.
*  The export of cut flowers from India is of Rs 253 million.
*    India ranks 23rd among world exporters of floriculture products and its share in the world exports are negligible at around 0.38% (US$ 47 million) (2004).
*    It is estimated that fresh cut flowers worth Rs. 100 crores are being exported annually from India.
*  On the other hand the losses are estimated to be more than30-35%.
*   Factors at pre harvest stage including genetic or inherent, climatic or environmental and management harvest factors like stage, method and time of harvesting.
*    Post-harvest factors such as watering, dehydration, precooling, storage environment, packaging techniques and micro-organisms influence the post harvest quality and longevity cut flowers.
Science of utilizing the properties and uses of micro organisms or to exploit cells and the cell constituents at different level for generating useful products essential to life and human welfare
Need of Biotechnology
q Floriculture helps in enriching the quality of life and development of our society.
q There is a global concern for environmental improvement such as reduction of pollution and noise, energy use minimization, prevention of erosion and flood, biodiversity and nature conservation, therapeutic and economic benefits of our environment.
q It is well recognized that there is need to conserve biological diversity in both native and cultivated plant species.
q For Genetic resource characterization DNA marker polymerization are  advantageous.
q  DNA finger printing techniques exhibit a great potential.
q  Application of Biotechnology to the development of new varieties of Flowers has been considered.
q The Genetic engineering Technology has opened up possibilities for manipulation of flower senescence, Colour pigments, plant height, flower shape, floral scent; and development of transgenic plants.
q The changing scenario in international trade in ornamental crops which provide unlimited export potentialities, Demand perfection in post harvest technology to offer quality plant products to the people around the world, all the year round.
q Biotechnology reduces
q Post harvest loses By making
*   Flower crops resistant to biotic and
    a biotic stresses.
*    Flowers with new colors.
*    Flowers with improved size, shape and
     floral scent.
*     Flowers having long vase life.

Genetic Engineering for biotic stress

         Identification of genes that control general agronomic traits – disease and insect resistance.
         Insect control protein genes from Bt – increased resistance to lepidopteran larvae (Fischhoff et al., 1987 biotech :5)
         Expression of cowpea trypsin inhibitor gene in transgenic tobacco – increased resistance to herbivorous insect pests (Hilder et al., 1988 Nature: 330)
         The chrysanthemum cultivar 'Shuho-no-chikara' was transformed with modified delta-endotoxin gene, modified cry1Ab (mcbt) of Bacillus thuringiensis.
         which displays a specific biological activity against lepidopteran insects into chrysanthemum.
                (Shinoyama.H et al., Breeding science 53(4), 2003)
   Genetic engineering of plants to virus resistance:
         Coat protein mediated- resistance.
         Expression of coat protein gene of Tobacco Mosaic Virus in transgenic tomato – resistance to infection by TMV (Abel et al., 1986)
         Similar approach for alfalfa mosaic virus, cucumber and mosaic virus (Tumer et al., 1987)
         Availability of cloned and sequenced plant viruses – use in protection of flower crops (William R.Woodson 1991)

         Transgenic chrysanthemum showing resistance against chrysanthemum stunt viroid (CSVd) .
         Double-stranded RNA-specific ribonuclease gene (pacl) derived from Schizosaccharomyces probe using an Agrobacterium mediated transformation
                 (OgawaToshiya et al., Breeding science 55(1),2004)
Genetic engineering for fungal resistance:
         Limited success in area of fungal resistance through genetic engineering.
         Chitinase – protein hydrolyses Chitin – component of fungal cell wall – defense mechanism of plant.
         This enzyme has been shown to inhibit fungal growth in vitro
                                   (Broekart et al., 1989 Science: 245) 
Transgenic carnation with fungal resistance:
To obtain fungal resistance, transgenic carnation with osmotin, PR-1 and/or chitinase genes were generated
A high level of resistance in these transgenes to a major carnation pathogen (Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. Dianthi) was demonstrated in greenhouse tests.
(A.Zuker et al., 2005 Acta Horticulturae:560
Genetic Engineering for a biotic stress
         Identification of genes that provides freezing tolerance.
         Down-regulating α-Galctosidase in petunia results in an increase in freezing tolerance at the whole-plant level in nonacclimated and cold-acclimated plants.
         whereas overexpression of the α-Gal gene caused a decrease in endogenous raffinose and impaired freezing tolerance.
          These results suggest that engineering raffinose metabolism by transformation with α-Gal provides an additional method for improving the freezing tolerance of plants.
        Genetic engineering for flower color
*   Floriculture industry driven by availability of novel flower crops.
*   Because of this desire for novel flower, tremendous interest in genetic engineering to introduce genes for new flower colors.
*   Particularly for rare shades of blue and purple
*   Flavanoids are one of the main determinants of flower colors.
*   Flavonoid compounds are produced by the phenylpropanoid pathway.
*   When two or more flavanoid pigments are present , it will be possible to increase the level of one, sometimes at the expense of the other , to result in change in colour.


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