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Cucurbits-introduction-flowering-sex expression-and
Cucurbits are the lorgest group of summer vegetables crops
belonging to the family cucurbitaceae. Most of the cucurbits are monocious in
nature except coccinia and pointed gourd (Parval) which are diocious. A
number of hermaphrodite and andromonocious cultivars are also available in
some crops (melons). Fruit is Pepo botanically. All are susceptible to frost.
The cultural requirements of all crops in this group are more or less similar.
List of cucrbitaceous vegetables:
S.No Crop Botanical Name
1 Cucumber Cucumis sativus
2 Pumpkin Cucurbita moschata
3 Summer squash Cucurbita pepo
4 Bottle gourd Lagenaria siceraria
5 Bitter gourd Momordica charantia
6 Ridge gourd Luffa acutangula
7 Sponge gourd Luffa cylindrica
8 Ash (wax) gourd Benincasa hispida
9 Snake gourd Trichosanthes anguina
10 Pointed gourd Trichosanthes dioca
11 Round (squash melon) Citrullus lanatus
12 Musk melon Cucumis melo
13 Snap melon Cucumis melo var. momordica
14 Long melon Cucumis melo var. utilissimus
15 Coccenia Coccinia indica
16 Chow - chow Sechium edule
Most of the cucurbits are monocious in nature except coccinia and
pointed gourd (Parval) which are diocious. A number of hermaphrodite and
andromonocious cultivars are also available in some crops (melons).
Sex expression:
The cucrbitaceous plants are generally monocious i.e they bear male
and female flowers separately on the same plant.Male flowers open first and
later the female flowers.Generally there are more male flowers. An female to
male flower ratios goes on incrasing with the age of the plant.The lower the
nodes number on which the female flowers appear on main vine the earlier is
the variety.Though the sex expression and sex ratio are the varietal
characters, they are modified by environment.Lower fertility, high temperature,
longer light period all induces maleness.Both plant regulators (auxins and
antiauxins) and nutrient at proper concentrations modify sex. GA at higher
concentrations 10ppm increases the number of female flowers. Two sprays,
one at 2 leaf stage again at 4 leaf stage with 50 to 100 ppm of MH or 250 ppm
Etherel or 100 ppm NAA or 25 to 50 ppm of TIBA or 3ppm of Boran or
Molybdonum or 20 ppm Calcium can suppress the number of male flowerds
and increase the number of female flowers, fruit set and ultimate yield.


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