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Showing posts from July, 2022


INTRODUCTION: Botanical name: Raphanus sativus Family: brassicaceae Chromosome no: 2n=18 Origin: radish is originated in Europe and Asia CLIMATE Ideal temperature for growth and development of quality roots in radish is 10-15.5*C Though it can tolerate high temperature. Roots develop pungency under hot weather. Hence, it should be harvested when roots are small and tender during hot periods. LAND PREPARATION AND SOWING As the radish is the root crop, it requires loose and friable soil, rich in organic matter. Land should be ploughed up to fine tilth. Make ridges at height of 25 cm height and at a distance of 30-45 cm distance. Add 20-25 tons farm yard manure at the time of field preparation. SOWING OF SEED Place the seeds on the ridges, at a distance of 6-8 cm. The seed rate should be 10-12kg/ha. The seeds should be sow at a depth of 1.5-3.0cm. IRRIGATION TO THE FIELD Radish require plenty of water from sowing to harvesting. Apply water after seed so


Production technology of carrot 🥕 PREPARATION OF LAND Select the suitable soil (light and well drained loamy soils). The Ph range of soil should be between 6.6-7.1. Deep loam and loamy soils are preferred for good crop production.     For early crop, a sandy loamy soils are preferred and for high yields, slit or slit loamy soils are preferred. Make the rows as recommended distance of 30*10 cm Plough the soil with addition of farm yard manure of 25-30 tons/hectare. NUTRIENT  MANAGEMENT  Add farm yard manure of 25-30 tons to main field, at the time of field preparation. Add 40-60 kg/ha Nitrogen, 40-50 kg/ha Posphorous, 80-100 kg/ha potash. Application of N should be in split doses, first dose is at the time of field preparation and second dose is at 30-45 days after seed sowing. Other are applied during field preparation time in a single dose. CLIMATIC REQUIREMENT Carrot is basically adapted to grow in cold conditions. A temperature range of 7.2to23.9*C for seed

PERMACULTURE: THE TRENDING TOPIC •article by : Naga spurthi •

      PERMACULTURE : A NATURAL MIMIC INTRODUCTION: Permanent+ Agriculture = Permaculture. It provides farmers a way to obtain more yields and productivity by doing it in a more sustainable and eco-friendly way than conventional farming methods. It applies more holistic approach to farming crops or livestock. The term originated from David Holmgren in 1978 It is defined as is the conscious design and maintenance of agriculturally productive ecosystems which have the diversity, stability, and resilience of natural ecosystems. It has 3 cores: Care for earth Care for people  Fair share. LET’S LEARN ABOUT THE PRINCIPLES: 12 1. Observe and Interact 2. Catch and Store Energy 3. Obtain a Yield 4. Apply Self-regulation and Accept Feedback 5. Use and Value Renewable Resources and Services 6. Produce No Waste 7. Design from Patterns to Details 8. Integrate Rather Than Segregate 9. Use Small and Slow Solutions 10. Use and Value Diversity 11. Use Edges and Value the Marginal 12. Creatively Use

GRAFT OR BUD UNION Author:- S.Hemanth

Physiology of graft (or) bud union formation   Article by:- S.Hemanth A. Characteristics of a functional graft union  Mechanical strength  Initially some sticking together of scion and stock is achieved by intercellular adhesion at first and intermingling of callus subsequently, but ultimately it is the interlocking of xylem fibers (wood) that results in a strong, permanent graft union.  Translocation   The structural integrity of the graft union not only holds the grafted plant together, but it is the reestablishment of anatomical and functional continuity between xylem and phloem that allows for translocation of water and minerals by the xylem, and conduction of carbohydrates and other organics by the phloem.    B. Sequence of graft union formation  Necrotic plate  The necrotic plate is a layer of desiccated, crushed cell walls at the cut surface of both stock and scion. Suberin (a waxy material) and pectin are deposited within the necrotic plate. The necrotic

🍀HOME GARDEN🍀 Author:- G.keerthana

HOME GARDENING  Article by :- G.keerthana . Growing your own vegetables can be fun as well as rewarding. All you need to get started is - some decent soil and few plants and this way you provide fresh healthy vegetables.         My own home garden  A good home gardening plan may include selecting the right location, determining the size of the garden, deciding upon the types and varieties of vegetables to plant.  It must be noted that there are many vegetables that can be grown in pots. How to begin with Home Gardening: Site selection. Size of the garden. Deciding on what to grow. Location of vegetables in the garden. Time for plantation. Gardening images of my own garden: Uses of Home gardening:- Improve your health. Consuming more fresh fruits and vegetables is one of the most important things you can do to stay healthy. Save money on groceries. Get outdoor exercise. Gardening is a natural stress reliever. May lower the stress level. If you're digging, hau

GRAFTING TECHNIQUES. Article by:- Hemanth.S

    GRAFTING TECHNIQUES Article by:- Hemanth.S WHAT IS GRAFTING? Grafting is a horticultural technique used to join plant parts from two or more plants so that they appear to grow as a single plant. The upper part is called as scion and lower called as rootstock. WHEN TO GRAFT ? Most of the grafting is done during winter and early spring while both scion and rootstock are still dormant. Winter is the best time for grafting many fruiting and flowering plants. DIFFERENT STYLES OF GRAFTING Side-Veneer grafting                 Whip-tongue grafting                Cleft grafting Approach grafting Splice/ whip grafting SIDE-VENEER GRAFTING Mostly this style was used for grafting varieties of camellias and rhododendrons that are difficult to root. Currently this was the most popular way to graft conifers, especially those having a compact or dwarf form. Side grafting is generally done in potted plants. Cut the root stock as shown in figure in side wise manner, and cut t