Do you want to breathe fresh purified air in this polluted atmosphere..!??😃
Here we go and let's learn about air purifying indoor plants to be planted at home.🤠
Nature is always soothing to our nerves. So why can't we bring nature into your own homes by including some plants along with your decoration.
Plants work as natural humidifiers both indoors and outdoors.
Here some of the air purifying plants that can be easily maintained at your homes😁
1. Snake plant (Sanseveria)
Sanseveria also commonly known as mother-in-law's tongue or snake plants.It is one of the easiest indoor plants to maintain. It is one of the few houseplants that convert carbon dioxide into oxygen at night. An ideal spot for this plant would be in your bedroom and also other rooms as well.
2. Money plant or pothos
Commonly known as money plant . It is One of the most beneficial house plants, the money plant does well in both the shade and sunlight and with moist or dry soil. For best results place your pot in a place where it receives indirect sunlight and water only when the soil is dry.Pothos also increases humidity in your home - humid air helps protect us the common cold and influenza as viruses.
Philodendron derives its names from the Greek words philo meaning love and affection and dendron meaning tree. It is useful in absorbing toxins, increasing humidity and producing more oxygen.
4.Aloe vera
It is sun loving succulent and is easy to grow at home .It can be easily propagated and have more purifying qualities.
5.peacelilly (or)spathiphyllum
The peace lily is not only beautiful, also effective in removal of spores from the air. Care for peace lilies is simple, place the plant in the shade and make sure than you don't overwater the plant. of India(or)Dracena reflexa
Used extensively as an indoor plant with its air-cleaning properties.It has the capability of removing toxins from the atmosphere.If you spot a yellow or brown leaf that indicates that you are overwatering your plant.
Well-drained soil, moderate watering and bright light are crucial to having a healthy Song of India plant at home. Avoid placing your plant at hot sunny windows and direct afternoon sun, low light is also not optimal for this plant.
7.Areca palm
Areca palms helps you to keep your lungs healthy and protects us from harmful indoor plants.This plant is ideal for larger rooms. It's highly purified during nights. Make sure your palm gets bright filtered light to thrive.
8.. Spider plant or Cholorophytum Comosum
The Spider Plant is the best indoor plant choice for a bedroom.
Watering should be moderate, don't over water the plant. Spider plants purify the air, making for a restful sleep. The plant produces plenty of plantlets .
9. Arrowhead, goosefoot plant or Syngonium
Syngonium is a beautiful house plant and air purifier. A fast-growing tropical plant, it flourishes in a moist, shady place with a good amount of watering and aeration in well-drained soil. Avoid contact with this plant as it have some harmful effects.
🌹Thank you 🌹
Very very useful info!! Great work friend👏