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Turmeric cultivation

Turmeric cultivation
Article by:Golla Vijayalaxmi

Scientific name: Curcuma longa
Chromosome no 2n=63
Origin -southeast Asia

The major states producing turmeric in India are:
 đź‘‰Telangana (3.13 lakh tonnes), Maharashtra (2.26 lakh  tonnes), Karnataka (1.30 lakh tonnes), Tamil Nadu (0.86 lakh tonnes), Andhra Pradesh (0.73 lakh tonnes), Madhya Pradesh (0.60 lakh tonnes) and West Bengal (0.45 lakh tonnes).

The main active ingredient of turmeric is
🔹It has potent anti-inflammatory, antioxidant activity that defends cells from oxidative stress and cell death.
🔹It as  the potential to improve heart health and prevent against Alzheimer's and cancer

Essential oil :2. 5-7.2%

1.Turmeric is a herbaceous perennial
2.It reaches about three feet tall with grass-like leaves and greenish-yellow flowers.
 3.Turmeric thrives in rainy tropical areas such as the Indian subcontinent and Southeast Asia. 
4.Turmeric is often referred to as a root but this is technically incorrect.

🔹Curcuma longa
🔹Curcuma aromatica
🔹Curcuma anustifolia
🔹Curcuma mada
🔹Curcuma caesia

Duggirala, armour, prathibha, prabha, kasturi , surama, roma, ranga, rasmi, lakadong, malkangiri Nabarangpur, Daringabadi, phulabani, korapul

🔸Different soil from black sandy loamy to red sandy loamy
 đź”¸Heavy soil -raised bed
🔸Turmeric cannot withstand waterlogging condition &alkalinity

🔹Tropical &subtropical climate
🔹20°-30°c temperature
🔹Rainfall 150-225cm
🔹Cannot withstand if temperature is <10°c

🔸Turmeric is propagated through underground rhizomes.
 đź”ąThe practice, however, is limited to once in a year because of the dormancy of buds. 
🔸It is very slow process and only 7-8 plants can be produced from one rhizome in a year.

Preservation of seed rhizome:
🔹Heaps are covered with Turmeric leaves and plastered with cow dung

seed treatment:
🔹The seed rhizomes are treated with mancozeb 0.3% (3 g/L of water) for 30 minutes, shade dried for 3-4 hours and planted

 Planting season:
 đź”ąIn AP and Telangana -june to july Or August
🔹In Kerala-April-may

seed rate:
🔸Mother rhizomes:2000-2500kg/ha
🔸Finger rhizot:1500-2000kg/ha

protray technology in turmeric:
Advantages in single bud rhizome method of planting
✓ Reduction in the cost of planting material. 
✓ Saving land usage 1-2 months from normal duration period of the crop. 
✓ Overcoming the disease incidence and also a screening for disease infected materials. 
✓ Effective biological control of diseases.

🔹In AP&Telangana-red loamy soil-30cm×15cm
🔹Black heavy soil-45cm×25cm

🔹To protect sprouts
🔹Repeat afer 50to60days after wedding

🔸10-15days interval
🔸Sandy soils:30-40irrigations

🔹180kg N
🔹60kg P

Intercultural operations:
🔸Earthening up

Inter&mixed croping:
▪️As intercrop in  coconut &arecanut
▪️Mixed crop along with coconut &banana

Depending upon the variety, the crop becomes ready for harvest in 7-9 months after planting during January-March. 
🔹Early varieties mature in 7-8 months,
 đź”ąmedium varieties in 8-9 months and
🔹 late varieties after 9 months.

🔸Avg. Green turmeric-20-25tonns/ha in India
🔹In AP&Telangana-25-35tonns /ha

🔹The whole mass is boiled till the fingers become soft
.🔹 The cooked fingers are taken out of the pan by lifting the trough and draining the water into the pan. 
🔹The water used for boiling turmeric rhizomes can be used for curing fresh samples. 
🔹The processing of turmeric is to be done 2 or 3 days after harvesting.

Value added products of turmeric:
🔸Turmeric Oleoresin. Turmeric Oleoresin is a resin-like viscous material obtained when a spice is extracted with a hydrocarbon solvent. ...
🔸Turmeric/Haldi Drops. ...
🔸Curcumin Powder. ...
🔸Haldi Doodh/ Golden (Turmeric) Milk. ..
🔸Turmeric Powder.

Uses of turmeric:
🔹In India, it was traditionally used for disorders of the skin, upper respiratory tract, joints, and digestive system. 
🔹Today, turmeric is promoted as a dietary supplement for a variety of conditions, including arthritis, digestive disorders, respiratory infections, allergies, liver disease, depression, and many others.


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