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Health benefits of RED LADY FINGER author :- Manasa Akuthota

Red lady finger 

( A variety of okra released from IIVR )

                     Kashi lalima-(VROR-157)

How and when did it start?

👉The Indian Institute of Vegetable Research had started work for this  in 1995-96. But we finally got success now.

👉 This new variety of lady finger will not only benefit farmers of the country but also its people, who will be able to consume a vegetable full of rich nutrients.

No more import from western countries 

As we know that in India, green lady fingers are common and farmers also cultivate that only. The red lady finger is generally found in Western countries and if needed, India imports this variety from any of these nations. But, as this variety has been developed in India, there will be no need to import it from other countries. Now farmers here will be able to produce it themselves.

Kashi lalima( VROR - 157)

➡️ Reddish purple fruits tolerant to YVMV and OLCV, Medium tall and short internodes with fruit yield of 14-15 t/ha.

➡️ Rich in anthocyanins and phenolics. 

➡️ Suitable for both summer and Kharif season. 

➡️Recommended for cultivation in Uttar Pradesh, vide gazette notification number S.O. 692(E), dated 05.02.2019.

Growing season: Suitable for both spring summer and rainy season.

Sowing time: February for spring summer crop and June for rainy season crop.

Seed rate: 12-14 kg/ha for spring summer crop and 8-10kg/ha for rainy season crop.

Spacing: 45 cm × 20 cm (spring summer crop) and 60 cm × 30 cm (rainy season crop)

Fertilizer dose: 100kg Nitrogen:50kg Phosphorus: 50 Kg Potassium/ha

Yield per acre :- 50-60q /acre

What are the health benefits of eating red ladyfinger?

Anti Oxidant and Iron are found in red lady finger which is beneficial for health, Its taste is also different from normal bhindi. Also, it takes less time to cook red ladyfinger.

Healthy Digestion: 

♦️The main reason to  include red okra in your diet is the significant increase in your total fiber intake.

♦️.The bowel movements will be  regular and gastrointestinal problems like bloating, pain, constipation and excess gas will be reduced.

♦️ it prevents diarrhea. 

♦️fiber in flushing out excess cholesterol from the body.

Improves Eye Vision: 

đź”· It contains high amounts of vitamin A and antioxidants like beta, carotene, xanthine, and lutein.

đź”· Antioxidants destroy or neutralize free radicals that are a dangerous byproduct of cellular metabolism.

(Free radicals are responsible for damaging cells in the body,Also responsible for blindness.

đź”· Eyesight will be sharp, as well as it will also protect against macular degeneration and cataract of the eye.

Healthy skin:

🛑  Vitamin A and antioxidants are able to protect skin health by promoting rapid healing, reducing scars and acne scars, and warding off wrinkles.

 đź›‘ This is because antioxidants are able to neutralize free radicals that may have damaged skin cells.

Immune system:

đź”· The various antioxidant components of red okra help to fight free radicals

đź”· High amount of vitamin C that strengthens  immune system Vitamin C can stimulate the immune system to make more white blood cells, which can fight off other foreign pathogens and diseases that weaken the body's immune system.

Blood pressure and heart health:

 ▶️ Red Okra is a good source of vitamins and minerals, including potassium, which is an essential aspect of human health. 

▶️ Potassium is essential for maintaining proper fluid balance in the body as it balances sodium. 

▶️Potassium helps the blood vessels and arteries to remain relaxed

▶️It lowers blood pressure and also reduces stress on the cardiovascular system. That is, fibrin and arteriosclerosis will be reduced to a great extent.

You tube Link :- Red lady finger health benefits


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