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UNDERSTANDING PRUNING: Important garden activity.

UNDERSTANDING PRUNNING:The important gardening activity

    Article by Ravula madhuri

Most Plants are blessed with the ability to regenerate their lost organs by forming new ones. Regeneration is a natural response of plants to injuries, wounds & removal of plant parts.

Pruning is done to give the plant a proper shape & direction, to develop a robust framework, to control unwanted plant growth, to increase the number of flowering branches, to remove dead & decaying branches, etc. therefore pruning should be a regular garden practice.

Types forms and variations in PRUNNING

1.Toping or pinching: 

Removal of growing point of a shoot in herbaceous plants is also called as topping or pinching. eg. Seasonal flowering plants, vegetable plants like chilli,capsicum,tomato and gourds..

2.clipping or trimming:

Regular pruning of garden hedges, edges, and topiary shapes is called as clipping or trimming.

3.Deshooting: Removal of any shoots that are not wanted is called deshooting. Eg. Flowering shrubs like Hibiscus.


In many shrubs, unwanted flowering or foliage buds are removed before they mature, this process is called disbudding. Eg. Chrysanthemum, Roses.


In some plants, leaves are removed to encourage flowering, this is called defoliation. Eg Jasmine.


 Cutting off the extra germinated seedlings that are weak, slow growing & keeping a single healthy seedling intact at one spot. This process is called thinning.

The frequency of pruning depends on the purpose of pruning & type of plant. A unique garden feature like Topiary ispruned every day.

Topiary Pruning:

Hedges & edges are pruned weekly to keep them in shape, flowering shrubs are pruned at the end of the flowering season, and trees are pruned every year before the monsoon.


Pruning cut is usually made just above axillary buds of plants. Clean, sharp, single cut is made for pruning by using a pair of scissors /secateurs /pruning shears.


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