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Scope and importance of HORTICULTURE author - Spandana Jakkula

Scope and Importance of Horticulture

The term " HORTICULTURE "is derived from the Latin word 'HORTUS' meaning 'garden' and,"Culture' meaning 'Cultivation' . 

The modern 'horticulture' may be defined as the crop science which deals with the 
production, utilization and improvement of fruits, vegetables, ornamental plants, spices and
Plantation crops including medicinal aromatic plants. 
                                ( Or )                         
It is the science & art of cultivating , processing and marketing of fruits, vegetables, nuts & ornamental plants. 
👉Horticulture crops are extremely valuable because of their high nutritional value.
👉Fruits and vegetables, in particular, provide us with a lot of vitamins and minerals. 
👉Horticulture is very important because it improves the beauty of the environment.
👉Small and marginal farmers can benefit from horticulture crops.
👉These crops have aesthetic value and protect the environment. 
👉Being mostly high value crops, horticultural crops contribute to wealth creation. 
👉Last but not least, horticulture can have a positive impact on the empowerment of women and contribute to the protection and enrichment of biodiversity and more liveable cities.
Many people get confused between Horticulture & Agricultural crops . Here are some differences . 
1.Horticultural are cultivated in enclosed areas whereas agricultural crops are not cultivated in enclosed areas. 
2. sense or gratification is an exclusive phenomenon in horticultural science. 
 3.crops generally require intensive cultivation, where as agricultural crops require only extensive cultivation. 
4.Cultural operations such as propagation, training, pruning, harvesting, post harvest handling & skilled operations are specific to horticultural crops. 
The branch of horticulture that is concerned with the study and cultivation of fruit.
The word Pomology comes from two words pomum  and  “logos”. “pomum” means fruits and “logos” means knowledge. The scientific study and cultivation of fruits is called Pomology.
Eg. Mango, sapota, Guava, litchi, Grape etc.
             The branch of horticulture that deals with the production, storage, processing, and marketing of vegetables.
It is derived from words I.e "Oleris" - pot herb & " Cultura" - cultivation. 
     M.S Swaminathan is called father of olericulture . He is also known as father green revolution in india.
            It is a branch of horticulture concerned with the cultivation of flowering and ornamental plants for gardens and for floristry, comprising the floral industry. 
It is derived from two words I. e " Florus" - flower. 
It includes following 2 sub-divisions:
a)COMMERCIAL FLORICULTURE : Deals with the cultivation of flower crops grown on commercial scale for profit ( income) .Eg: Rose, Jasmine, Carnation etc.

b) ORNAMENTAL FLORICULTURE : Deals with the raising of flower crops for ornamental, pleasure and fashion purpose. Eg: Dahlia, Hibiscus, Gerbera, Gaillardia etc

ARBORICULTURE : Deals with raising of perennial trees meant for shade, avenue or Ornamental purpose. Eg: Polyalthia, Spathodea, Cassia, Gulmohar etc
LANDSCAPE GARDENING : Deals with the planning & execution of ornamental gardens, parks, landscape gardens etc. 
Crops which are cultivated in an extensive scale in large contiguous areas, owned & managed by an individual or a company and whose produce is utilized only after processing. Eg: Coffee, Tea, Rubber, Coconut, Cocoa etc. 
This branch deals with the cultivation of crops whose produce is used mainly for seasoning and flavouring dishes. 
SPICES : Are those plants the products of which are made use of as food adjuncts to add aroma & flavour. Eg:pepper, caradamom, Clove, Cinnamon, All spice etc. 
CONDIMENTS: Are those plants the products of which are made use of as food adjuncts to add taste only. Eg: Turmeric, Ginger, Garlic etc. 
   It deals with cultivation of medicinal plants, which provides sources of drugs and aromatic crops which yields aromatic ( essential) oils. 
      MEDICINAL PLANTS : Plants which are rich in secondary metabolites and are potential sources of drugs. Which include alkaloids, glycosides, flavonoids and steroids.Eg : periwinkle, opium, Ashwagandha etc. 
      AROMATIC PLANTS : Plants which possess essential oils in them, these are odoriferous steam volatiles. Eg: Lemon grass, Citronella, Palmrosa etc
                           lemon grass

     It deals with the processing & preservation of produce of horticulture crops. 
It deals with the production of seeds and planting material of horticulture crops on commercial basis. 
👉India is endowed with varied topography, climatic conditions, seasons and availability of cheap labour, that would help India to emerge as leading producer of horticultural crops. 
👉Floriculture industry in India has lot of export potential & can generate income to national economy. 
👉Plantation crops are another potential sector with full of opportunities of employment generation, foreign exchange earning and overall supporting livelihood of mankind. 



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