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globe artichoke
Physiological and Physical Disorders

Freezing Injury. Freezing injury will be initiated at -1.2°C (29.9°F). Symptoms of light freezing injury are blistering of the cuticle and a bronzing of the outer bracts. This may occur in the field with winter harvested buds and is used in marketing as an index of high quality. More severe freeze injury results in watersoaked bracts and the heart becoming brown to black and gelatinous in appearance over time.

Bruising and Compression Injury. Very common when attention to careful harvest and handling practices are not followed.

Physiological Disorders: Storage losses are due primarily to desiccation, rotting, sprouting, freezing, and
inulin degradation. Desiccation remains a significant storage problem even though losses can be fairly
easily circumvented with proper storage conditions. Storage at high RH is essential (Shoemaker, 1927;
Steinbauer, 1932) because tubers lack of a corky surface layer similar to that found on potatoes to reduce
water loss, and have a thin, easily damaged surface that permits rapid water loss. While beneficial for some
produce (Kays, 1997), γ-irradiation greatly accelerates inulin degradation (Salunkhe, 1959) and is of little
storage value.


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