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SCIENTIFIC NAME      -Malus domestica
FAMILF                         - Rosaceae
ORIGIN                         -Caucasus mountains of south-west asia
In 1912, the EAST MAILING RESEARCH STATION in ENGLAND selected and developed a series of 65 rootstocks which were named as
Some rootstocks are very dwarfing  while others are semi-dwarfing and vigorous
M.9: This is most widely used dwarfing rootstock for apple cultivation, which originated as a  clone  seedling.
The major demerits of M.9 stock are its brittle roots and shallow root system  and unable to hold the plant firmly to the ground as well as absorbing the nutrients  from the soil and thus needs staking.
M27: It is developed from a cross between  M.9 and M.13.
This is the most  dwarfing root stock now available in the market.
Trees on M.27 are approximately 1.2 to1 .5 m in height and started cropping immediately in the second year  of planting depending on the cultivar.
The triploid  cultivars which are vigorous, produce very dwarf trees on M.27 enabling them to grow very intensively in multi-row system.
It is now possible to consider very high density planting with this rootstock as close as 0.5 m apart in rows 1.5 m apart planted in multi-row beds.
M.20: It originated as a rogue in a batch of M.9 at East Mailing .
The cox trees on M.20 was found to produce similar tree size as on M.27.
   Disadvantage of M.20 root stock
  emergence of large number of suckers from underground and thus unfit for high density orcharding.
Root stock adaptations:
M26, M106 : sensitive to water logging
Ml3, M16    : Tolerant to water logging
Ml, Ml3       : Sensitive to drought
M7, M9, M17 : Tolerant to Drought
. MM 109M7, M16, M25: Resistant to  high soil temperature
M26: Tolerant to low winter temperature
Delicious on M7 was found to survive
   at -44°C while on M2 showed severe injury.


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