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·       Fruit Yield :
Tomato :
·       Soaking of seed in NOA at 25-50 mg/l, GA at 5-20 mg/l and CIPA at 10-20 mg/l, 2, 4-D,0.5 mg/l or thiourea at 10-1 M have been reported to improve fruit yield in tomato.
Brinja l:
Ø Soaking if seedlings roots in NAA at 0.2 mg/l and ascorbic acid at 250 mg/l has been reported to produce higher fruit yield
Chillies and Peppers :   Foliar sprays of GA  at 50 mg/l at fruit setting or planofix (NAA 10 mg/l) double sprays ( at flowering and 5 week later) decreased flower shedding and gave better fruit  yield in chillies
Ø Application of fumar and Epin in seed production of potato increased average daily tuber weight gain, accelrated tuber formation on average by 20 days, easier sprouting, bud formation period and flowering  as well as a high member of tubers per plant (kravchenko, 2007).
Ø Application of ethephon 200ppm foliar spray increased pisttilate flowers and fruits and seeds per plants (siteram etd 1989).
Ø Roots of the carrot cultivar chantnay Red coled stored at 5o c for 30 days and soaked in aqueons solutions of IBA 40ppm and IAA at 80ppm gave highest seed yield ( Farghals & Hussein , 1994).
Ø Soaking of onion mother bulbs for 16h in in GA3  (50 or 100 ppm) and potassium thiosulphat (1000 or 2000 ppm) hastened the  intension of flower emergence.
Ø List of pl.growth-regulators and their important uses in vegetable crops:
Method of Application
Attributes affected
Foliar Spray
Flowering sexexpression,
fruit yield
Foliar Spray
Fruit set & yield
Foliar Spray
Cucurbits okra, tomato
Flowering, fruit sex expression & yield
Post harvest
Fruit ripening
Foliar spray
Water melon, tomato
Sex expression, fruity, yield
Foliar spray
Okra, tomato,Brinjal
Seed germination, fruit set, yield

Seedling roots
Tomato, brinjal, onion
Growth and yield
Foliar spray
Chillies & tomato
Fl.drop & Fr.ref & yield
Okra, tomato, brinjal, onion cucurbits
Seed germination, growth and yield
Okra, tomato,
Seed germination, growth and yield
Silver nitrats
Foliar spray
Induction of maleflowers in gynoelims lines
Silver Thiosulphate
Musk melon
Induction of maleflowers in gynoelims lines
2,3,5_thiodo benzric acid (TIBA)
Foliar spray
Flowering, sex expression, yield
Tria contanol
Foliar spray
Chillies & peas
Fruit set & yield


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