Botanical name: Brassica caularapa - Knol – khol
This cultivated for knob (swollen portion above the ground).Leaves are
also used for cooking.In India it is cultivated in Kashmir. Its cultivation is
limited in other states. Late varieties are used as animal fodder.
Late varieties: Some of the best varieties are wiser snscor, wiser tribe, king
of north
White Vienna: is an early varieties with a duration of 60 – 80 days heads are
slightly oblong and light green in colour.
Purple Vienna: little brittle enough 80 – 90 mature. Heads slightly purple and
medium size.
King of north: plant height only 20 – 30 cm.Knobs are flatish round and dark
green in colour, cops comes to maturity 60 -75 days.
It is a hardy vegetable can be grown variety of soil, however well
trained red loamy soil is best suited for its cultivation. pH vary 5.8 to 6.8.
Temperature range is 10 – 20 0 C is ideal. Continuous hot weather is
detrimental which induce knob development.
Direct sowing seed rate: 2.5 to 3.5 kg per ha. Land preparation: by
ploughing, harrowing and crop transplanted with a spacing of 30 x 40 cm
spacing planting time vary from August to November.
Blanket recommendation is 100 : 60 and 40 kg per ha.
Inter cultivation : keep the field weed free.
First irrigation is to be given after immediately transplanting. There after
one irrigation is given every 10 – 15 days.
Botanical name: Brassica caularapa - Knol – khol
Family : Cruciferae
Origin : Northern Europpe
Plant part : Knobs (swollen portion above the ground)
Depending on the variety 45 to 80 days after transplanting. Tender
knobs but fully developed knobs should be harvested before they become
fibrous. Harvesting is done 1 to 3 times for week. In preparation for the market
the root is cut off. Plants are tied together and sold in bulb. Leaves are also
used for green when they are tender.
Yield: about 20 – 30 tonnes.
Storage: it can be stored in 3 – 4 days under ordinary conditions. Cold
storage can be stored for more number of days wrapped knobs store well with
better quality comparatively un wrapped knobs.
Bulb crops-Onion and Garlic -introduction - importance –
varieties-climate and soil-seeds and sowing-manuring- irrigation-intercultural
operations-harvesting-curing of onion and garlic – yield-bolting in onion
Bulb crops:
The group of bulb crops includes onion, garlic, leek, shallot and chive.
These belong to the family Amaryallidaceae and genus Allium. They are
grown in India as winter vegetables.
It is consumed either raw or cooked along with spices and vegetables.
Primarly the bulbs used as vegetables. The flowering shoot known as Scape
is also used as vegetable.It is rich in minerals like phosphorus and calcium
and carbohydrates.It also contains Protein and Vitamin C.
All the cultivars of common onions are long day plants in respect of
bulb formation i.e the bulb more rapidly as day length increase.The typical
flavor of onion is due to presence of a volatile oil known as “Allyl propyl
disulphide” and the red colour is due to the presence of another pigment
Pusa Red:It is selection from local red varieties, yellow colour and mild
pungency. It is fairly resistant to onion thrips.
Other local varieties:Bellary Big, Bellary Red, Poona Red, Nasik Red, Patna
IIHR varieties:Arka Kalyan,Arka Niketan and Arka Pragati
Onion is best suited as a tropical crop. It does best where the season is
mild without the extremes of heat or cold or excessive rainfall. A relatively
high temperature as well as long photo period (i.e a temperature of 15.6 to
21.1O C for about 10 hours a day and about 80% RH) is essential for bulb
formation, where as temperature alone is more important than the length of
days in seed stalk development. So most of the varieties transplanted early
will bold i.e from seed stalk.
It grows best in light soils which may be sandy loam or silt loam, but
they should be avoided as they mot permit it proper bulb formation.It is
sensitive to higher acidity and the optimum pH of the soil should range from
5.8 to 6.5 and the land should be prepared to fit tilt for growing onion.
Sowing season: North India - November
This cultivated for knob (swollen portion above the ground).Leaves are
also used for cooking.In India it is cultivated in Kashmir. Its cultivation is
limited in other states. Late varieties are used as animal fodder.
Late varieties: Some of the best varieties are wiser snscor, wiser tribe, king
of north
White Vienna: is an early varieties with a duration of 60 – 80 days heads are
slightly oblong and light green in colour.
Purple Vienna: little brittle enough 80 – 90 mature. Heads slightly purple and
medium size.
King of north: plant height only 20 – 30 cm.Knobs are flatish round and dark
green in colour, cops comes to maturity 60 -75 days.
It is a hardy vegetable can be grown variety of soil, however well
trained red loamy soil is best suited for its cultivation. pH vary 5.8 to 6.8.
Temperature range is 10 – 20 0 C is ideal. Continuous hot weather is
detrimental which induce knob development.
Direct sowing seed rate: 2.5 to 3.5 kg per ha. Land preparation: by
ploughing, harrowing and crop transplanted with a spacing of 30 x 40 cm
spacing planting time vary from August to November.
Blanket recommendation is 100 : 60 and 40 kg per ha.
Inter cultivation : keep the field weed free.
First irrigation is to be given after immediately transplanting. There after
one irrigation is given every 10 – 15 days.
Botanical name: Brassica caularapa - Knol – khol
Family : Cruciferae
Origin : Northern Europpe
Plant part : Knobs (swollen portion above the ground)
Depending on the variety 45 to 80 days after transplanting. Tender
knobs but fully developed knobs should be harvested before they become
fibrous. Harvesting is done 1 to 3 times for week. In preparation for the market
the root is cut off. Plants are tied together and sold in bulb. Leaves are also
used for green when they are tender.
Yield: about 20 – 30 tonnes.
Storage: it can be stored in 3 – 4 days under ordinary conditions. Cold
storage can be stored for more number of days wrapped knobs store well with
better quality comparatively un wrapped knobs.
Bulb crops-Onion and Garlic -introduction - importance –
varieties-climate and soil-seeds and sowing-manuring- irrigation-intercultural
operations-harvesting-curing of onion and garlic – yield-bolting in onion
Bulb crops:
The group of bulb crops includes onion, garlic, leek, shallot and chive.
These belong to the family Amaryallidaceae and genus Allium. They are
grown in India as winter vegetables.
It is consumed either raw or cooked along with spices and vegetables.
Primarly the bulbs used as vegetables. The flowering shoot known as Scape
is also used as vegetable.It is rich in minerals like phosphorus and calcium
and carbohydrates.It also contains Protein and Vitamin C.
All the cultivars of common onions are long day plants in respect of
bulb formation i.e the bulb more rapidly as day length increase.The typical
flavor of onion is due to presence of a volatile oil known as “Allyl propyl
disulphide” and the red colour is due to the presence of another pigment
Pusa Red:It is selection from local red varieties, yellow colour and mild
pungency. It is fairly resistant to onion thrips.
Other local varieties:Bellary Big, Bellary Red, Poona Red, Nasik Red, Patna
IIHR varieties:Arka Kalyan,Arka Niketan and Arka Pragati
Onion is best suited as a tropical crop. It does best where the season is
mild without the extremes of heat or cold or excessive rainfall. A relatively
high temperature as well as long photo period (i.e a temperature of 15.6 to
21.1O C for about 10 hours a day and about 80% RH) is essential for bulb
formation, where as temperature alone is more important than the length of
days in seed stalk development. So most of the varieties transplanted early
will bold i.e from seed stalk.
It grows best in light soils which may be sandy loam or silt loam, but
they should be avoided as they mot permit it proper bulb formation.It is
sensitive to higher acidity and the optimum pH of the soil should range from
5.8 to 6.5 and the land should be prepared to fit tilt for growing onion.
Sowing season: North India - November
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