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Mahua (Bassia latifolia), is an indigenous tree of high economic value. A characteristic tree of the dry region, it is found in north and central India. It commonly grows in eastern Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Bihar, Orissa, Andhra Pradesh and Gujarat. The tree is very well known to rural folk since ages in India.
Its flowers, fruits, and oil obtained from seeds are eaten in various ways. The ‘corolla’ commonly called mahua flowers, are a rich source of sugar containing appreciable amount of vitamins and minerals. Fruit, a berry, is eaten as raw or cooked. Pulp is a good source of sugar, whereas dry husk makes a good source of absolute alcohol. Seed is a good source of oil. The linoleic, a major unsaturated fatty acid found in mahua oil, is used in reducing the cholesterol content in blood serum, making its oil quite useful for heart patients.
Climate and soil
Mahua prefers tropical and subtropical climate. It can withstand drought admirably. The trees of Bassia latifolia and B. longifolia grow up to an altitude of 1,200m. The B. malabarica grows in Western Ghats from Kanara to Travancore and also in the Himalayas. The trees of B. butyracea grow in the Himalyan districts up to an altitude of 4,500m. Plants do not survive under waterlogged conditions. Since it is a very hardy tree, it can grow even in pockets of soil between crevices of barren rock. Trees are grown on degraded rocky areas including salt-affected soils. However, for its better growth and productivity, well-drained, deep loam soil is ideal.

The trees of B. latifolia in north and B. longifolia in south bear flowers containing a large amount of sugar and seeds rich in quality oil. There is no improved variety of mahua for an organized orcharding. A large variability occurs in its fruits. Recently some selections have been made at N.D. University of Agriculture and Technology, Faizabad (Uttar Pradesh). These are: NM2, NM4, NM7 and NM8.
Mahua plants are generally propagated by seed having a long gestation period (15–20 years) and large variability. It may also be propagated vegetatively. Veneer grafting gives 90% success. For this, seedlings are raised to be used as rootstock. Mahua seeds have no dormancy. Fresh seeds after storage of 5–6 days at room temperature show 80% germination. Seeds can be sown on raised beds or in polythene bags about 30cm deep during July. Seeds germinate within 10–15 days. The seeds and seedlings become ready for transplanting 4 weeks and 1 year after sowing respectively. Scion wood should be selected from selected mother plants for grafting. July is ideal time for veneer grafting. Plants become ready for planting in September, just 2 months after grafting. Polyembryony is found in mahua seeds. Therefore 15–20% seeds produce nucellar seedlings.


  1. mahualongifolia is an Indian tropical tree found largely in the central and north Indian plains and forests.

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  7. Virgin coconut oil is the oil extracted from coconuts without the application of heat. It is rapidly gaining popularity throughout the world in comparison to ordinary virgin coconut oil and for a good reason.

    Today, it is deemed as one of the healthiest oils, loaded with essential nutrients. ... In Ayurveda, gingelly oil priceis valued for its medicinal properties. It is said to be good for the skin..

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  8. Castor Oil Is Rich in Healthy Monounsaturated Fats. But the predominant fatty acid in Cold Pressed Castor Oil is a monounsaturated fat called oleic acid, making up 73% of the total oil content.


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