Pecan (Carya illinoensis) is one of the most important nut fruits of the world, ranking fifth in production. Its kernels have high nutritional and calorific value, i.e. 11–12% protein, 70% fat and good amount of phosphoric acid. In India, pecan was introduced in 1935 at the Government Progeny-cum-Demonstration Orchard, Palampur, Himachal Pradesh. Pecans are now well-acclimatized in Solan, Mandi and Kullu districts of Himachal Pradesh, hills of Uttar Pradesh, Jammu and Kashmir and Nilgiri hills. The total area is however very limited.
Climate and Soils
Pecan grows in warm temperate climate. The extremes of both temperate and subtropical climates are undesirable. It requires 240–280 days growing season with a mean temperature above 26.7°C, heat units (above 10°C) amounting to 5,000 degree days during 7 months of nut-growing season, mean temperature for 3 coldest months between 7.2°C and 12.8°C with at least 400hr of chilling temperature at or below 7.2°C, medium to low rainfall and high levels of solar radiation during the growing season.
Pecan can be grown in varied types of soil. But sandy-loam, fertile soil, rich in organic matter, deep, well-aerated and well-drained soils with a pH of 6.4 is ideal. Although it can be grown in soils having pH of 5–8, in alkaline soils Zn deficiency is severe. Soil should have proper aeration since restricted soil aeration induces partial stomatal closure, decreases leaf number, leaf area and trunk and dry weight of root.
Nut size, shell thickness and cracking qualities are important for selecting a cultivar. However, high-density orcharding nowadays envisages that the cultivar should be precocious, prolific-bearer, responding to pruning and orchard management practices. Pecan cultivars grown in the country along with other promising cultivars are given here:
It is an early-maturing, vigorous, prolific-bearer and protogynous cultivar. Its nuts are large, nut size (20 nuts/kg), oblong, cylindrical, base flattened with apex moderately pointed, shoulders uneven, shell brown, conspicuous by dark stripes at the apex; kernel 57% of nut, kernel loosely filled, easily separable from the shell. It matures during October-end.
Nuts oblong, cylindrical, tapering towards the end, shell light brown, presence of dark stripes at the base; kernel 49.4% of nut, amber coloured, moderately filled, and easily separable from the shell. It is a regular-bearer, maturing during second to third week of October.
It is a protogynous cultivar. Nuts are more or less round, base flat to slightly pointed, apex slightly pointed, shoulders even, shell greyish in colour, finely dotted, black striped at the apex; kernel 57% of the nut, dark brown to chrome-yellow, well-filled, not easily separable from the shell and nut size (23 nuts/kg). It is a regular-bear, prone to fruit drop maturing in the second week of October.
Western Schley
A protandrous cultivar, nut size (26 nuts/kg). The nuts are oblong, cylindrical, base and apex evenly pointed, shoulders even; shell dark brown, dark stripe more significantly at the apex than in other varieties; kernel 58% of the nut, light brown, moderately filled, less easily separable from the nut; bearing regular; matures during second to third week of October.
A protogynous cultivar, its trees give uniform yield of high quality nuts. It is resistant to scab disease. Nut size is large (23 nuts/kg), kernel 44–50% of nut. It is slow to come into bearing. It should be planted with a protandrous cultivar like Desirable.
Nuts medium-sized, thin-shelled, kernel. 54–59% of nuts, kernel quality good. Being precocious, it is very prolific and self-pollinated and is recommended for high-density planting. It is unsuitable for humid areas due to susceptibility to scab.
A protandrous cultivar, its nuts are larger than Stuart. Kernel 52% good in-shell trade product. Tree comes into bearing early, very prolific, regular-bearer and resistant to scab. It is recommended for high-density planting.
It is a protogynous cultivar, tree being vigorous with intermediate growth habit between erect and spreading, moderately precocious. Nut clusters of average size, mature early. Nuts large (16–23 nuts/kg) and attractive; kernel (55–60%), high quality.
A protandrous, cultivar of mid-season maturity. Profuse, small lateral branching and dwarf type growth, it is ideally-suited for high-density planting. Very precocious and a highly prolific-bearer, the nuts are excellent for shelling, nut size being 25–32 nuts/kg. Kernel (57–61%), slight wrinkling of kernel surface.
A protogynous cultivar, its nuts mature early (late-September to early-October). Tree is vigorous with dense, small leaves and profuse lateral branching. Very precocious and prolific-bearer, it is suitable for high-density plantings. Nut size is 25–32 nuts/kg, kernel (52–58%).
It is a protogynous cultivar, tree being precocious and prolific-bearer. Nuts medium-sized; 20–30/kg. Kernel 60%. Neat purplish-black stripes and splotches on attractive clear brown shell. Foliage good and early; heavy and consistent yields. Needs detailed training to reduce narrow crotch angles. It is well-suited for small tree culture.
Pecan (Carya illinoensis) is one of the most important nut fruits of the world, ranking fifth in production. Its kernels have high nutritional and calorific value, i.e. 11–12% protein, 70% fat and good amount of phosphoric acid. In India, pecan was introduced in 1935 at the Government Progeny-cum-Demonstration Orchard, Palampur, Himachal Pradesh. Pecans are now well-acclimatized in Solan, Mandi and Kullu districts of Himachal Pradesh, hills of Uttar Pradesh, Jammu and Kashmir and Nilgiri hills. The total area is however very limited.
Climate and Soils
Pecan grows in warm temperate climate. The extremes of both temperate and subtropical climates are undesirable. It requires 240–280 days growing season with a mean temperature above 26.7°C, heat units (above 10°C) amounting to 5,000 degree days during 7 months of nut-growing season, mean temperature for 3 coldest months between 7.2°C and 12.8°C with at least 400hr of chilling temperature at or below 7.2°C, medium to low rainfall and high levels of solar radiation during the growing season.
Pecan can be grown in varied types of soil. But sandy-loam, fertile soil, rich in organic matter, deep, well-aerated and well-drained soils with a pH of 6.4 is ideal. Although it can be grown in soils having pH of 5–8, in alkaline soils Zn deficiency is severe. Soil should have proper aeration since restricted soil aeration induces partial stomatal closure, decreases leaf number, leaf area and trunk and dry weight of root.
Nut size, shell thickness and cracking qualities are important for selecting a cultivar. However, high-density orcharding nowadays envisages that the cultivar should be precocious, prolific-bearer, responding to pruning and orchard management practices. Pecan cultivars grown in the country along with other promising cultivars are given here:
It is an early-maturing, vigorous, prolific-bearer and protogynous cultivar. Its nuts are large, nut size (20 nuts/kg), oblong, cylindrical, base flattened with apex moderately pointed, shoulders uneven, shell brown, conspicuous by dark stripes at the apex; kernel 57% of nut, kernel loosely filled, easily separable from the shell. It matures during October-end.
Nuts oblong, cylindrical, tapering towards the end, shell light brown, presence of dark stripes at the base; kernel 49.4% of nut, amber coloured, moderately filled, and easily separable from the shell. It is a regular-bearer, maturing during second to third week of October.
It is a protogynous cultivar. Nuts are more or less round, base flat to slightly pointed, apex slightly pointed, shoulders even, shell greyish in colour, finely dotted, black striped at the apex; kernel 57% of the nut, dark brown to chrome-yellow, well-filled, not easily separable from the shell and nut size (23 nuts/kg). It is a regular-bear, prone to fruit drop maturing in the second week of October.
Western Schley
A protandrous cultivar, nut size (26 nuts/kg). The nuts are oblong, cylindrical, base and apex evenly pointed, shoulders even; shell dark brown, dark stripe more significantly at the apex than in other varieties; kernel 58% of the nut, light brown, moderately filled, less easily separable from the nut; bearing regular; matures during second to third week of October.
A protogynous cultivar, its trees give uniform yield of high quality nuts. It is resistant to scab disease. Nut size is large (23 nuts/kg), kernel 44–50% of nut. It is slow to come into bearing. It should be planted with a protandrous cultivar like Desirable.
Nuts medium-sized, thin-shelled, kernel. 54–59% of nuts, kernel quality good. Being precocious, it is very prolific and self-pollinated and is recommended for high-density planting. It is unsuitable for humid areas due to susceptibility to scab.
A protandrous cultivar, its nuts are larger than Stuart. Kernel 52% good in-shell trade product. Tree comes into bearing early, very prolific, regular-bearer and resistant to scab. It is recommended for high-density planting.
It is a protogynous cultivar, tree being vigorous with intermediate growth habit between erect and spreading, moderately precocious. Nut clusters of average size, mature early. Nuts large (16–23 nuts/kg) and attractive; kernel (55–60%), high quality.
A protandrous, cultivar of mid-season maturity. Profuse, small lateral branching and dwarf type growth, it is ideally-suited for high-density planting. Very precocious and a highly prolific-bearer, the nuts are excellent for shelling, nut size being 25–32 nuts/kg. Kernel (57–61%), slight wrinkling of kernel surface.
A protogynous cultivar, its nuts mature early (late-September to early-October). Tree is vigorous with dense, small leaves and profuse lateral branching. Very precocious and prolific-bearer, it is suitable for high-density plantings. Nut size is 25–32 nuts/kg, kernel (52–58%).
It is a protogynous cultivar, tree being precocious and prolific-bearer. Nuts medium-sized; 20–30/kg. Kernel 60%. Neat purplish-black stripes and splotches on attractive clear brown shell. Foliage good and early; heavy and consistent yields. Needs detailed training to reduce narrow crotch angles. It is well-suited for small tree culture.
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