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landscape design

Landscape Design 

 Create your own magic!         

          -   An article by M.lathika  

Landscape design is an independent profession and a design and art tradition, practiced by landscape designers, combining nature and culture. In contemporary practice, landscape design bridges the space between landscape architecture and garden design.


A comprehensive, sustainable landscape design typically addresses a series of goals: 

  1. protecting the site and surrounding land and ecosystems — soil, water, and wildlife; reducing water use.

  2.  limiting pesticide use.

  3. using plants and materials from local sources; 

  4. minimizing mowing requirements.

  5. ensuring the health.


Ministry of Environment and Forest is the nodal agency for promotion, planning ,coordination  and overseeing the implementation of country's overall environmental and forest policy.

Ideas to create an enchanting outdoor space

1.Driveable garden   

No front yard, no problem beautify your driveway instead as below:

2.Miniwater features 

Even a small patio can fit a water feature which can bring that calming sound and energy. Who knows, maybe if someone sat on this cute terrace and focused on the calming trickling water, they could manifest a full-sized soaking tub.

3.Mid- garden dining area

Dinner with the  nature

4.Conversation pit

Now this is how you style an outdoor fire pit.The surrounding butterfly chairs introduce a  vibe, which is further accentuated by the tall palm trees and dreamy pampas grass.

5.Tree lanterns

Show your trees some love and dress up the backyard by hanging lanterns in the branches. This will set the mood for a truly magical outdoor living space.

6.Potted citrus

Don't have room for an entire orchard? Add ambiance to an outdoor dining area with a group of topiaries like below:

7.Plant beds

In a small or narrow city yard, introduce greenery with a pathway surrounded by planting beds. Then use your vertical space by bringing in slim and tall trees. A neat path like this one keeps our eyes focused on the architectural details of the home ahead.

 My vision

  A landscape design can  mould nature into variable forms according to our convenience. 

A landscape design is rather than  creating your own world…..


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