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Important physiological disorders of mango and their management


Article by:- Akhila.Janjala


Any kind of abnormality in economically important part of fruits or other parts that contribute to yield and quality of fruits is termed as physiological disorder.

Reasons of physiological disorders:      

* Deficiency of micronutrient

*Sudden fluctuation in temperature

*Poor soil conditions and

*Improper moisture availability during cultivation.


-Alternate bearing is a very serious and an old problem in mango.

-It is the production of a heavy crop in one year or very little crop in the next year.




-Varietal differences.                                   

-Growth habit.      

-Crop load.

-Cultural practices.

-Sex ratio.

-Insect-pest and diseas


–Use an ethylene releasing compound, ethephon inducing flowers every years.

–The concentration of ethephon 200ppm coupled with 0.1% urea was found effective in inducing regular flowering over the year.

–Application of Paclobutrazol @ 10 g a.i. for non- bearing trees during first

fortnight of September will induce flowering and fruit set yield during off years.

–Growing of regular bearing cultivar like "Amrapali" 



–It implies the development of fruits in

clusters at the tip of the ppanicles.

–Such fruits do not grow beyond pea or marble stage and drop down after a month of fruit set.


–Mainly it is due to lack of pollination / fertilization.

–Absence of sufficient population of pollinators in the orchards.

–Indiscriminate spray of pesticides during flowering.

–Adverse climate during February-March particularly the low temperature.


–Spraying of pesticides during flowering should be avoided.

– In old orchards, a few branches should be top worked with pollinizing varieties like Bombey Green,

–Introduction of beehives in the orchards during flowering season for increasing the number of pollinators.

–The distal end of the affected fruit exhibit etiolation patches of mesocarp

which turn black and becomes hard.


 –The distal end of the affected fruit exhibit etiolation patches of mesocarp

which turn black and becomes hard.

–Dashehari is the highly susceptible one, while Lucknow Safeda is the least.


–This disorder has mainly detected in orchards located in the vicinity of brick kilns.

–Gases like carbon dioxide, sulphur dioxide and ethylene constituting the fumes of brick kiln, damage growing tip of fruits and give rise to the symptoms of black tip.


–Establishment of the orchards away from brick kiln by at least 1.6 km in east to west and 0.8 km in north to south direction and increasing the chimney height to at least 15- 18 metres can be preventive measures for this malady.

–Spray 1 per cent borax (I()g/lit) thrice first before flowering, second during flowering and third at fruit set stage is very effective.



–Scientist from different part of the country reported that a fungiFusarium moniliformae var. subglutinans is highly associated with this disorder.

–Temperature range of 21-27oc (max.) and 80C (min.) along with relative humidity of 85% during late winter or early spring is conducive for the growth of the fungi, resulting severe incidence of malformation on newly emerged panicles.


–Application of NAA/Planofix (200ppm) during October, prior to fruit bud differentiation followed by debloosming of newly emerged panicles or bud during January- February is beneficial to control the disorder.

–Spray of 400 ppm Ethephon at bud inception stage.


–Cheema and dhani was first to observe spongy tissue in mango in 1934

–which is characterized by the development of non edible,sour,yellowish and spongy like patch with or without air pocket in the mesocarp of the fruit during ripening.


–This is caused because ripening enzymes during fruit maturation stage become inactive due to high temperature, convective heat.

–Post harvest exposure of fruit to sunlight.


–Harvesting of fruits at 3/4th maturity stage.

–Post harvest exposure to low temperatures between 10-150C for 10-18 hrs   

–Use of black poly-ethylene mulch.

–Grow resistant varieties like Ratna, Arka Puneet and Arka Aruna etc.


Among all the physiological disorders associated with mango, none is due to a single factor but all are due to the amalgamation of several factors like genetic factors, environmental factors, nutritional imbalance, poor cultural practices inthe orchard so it is very difficult to control but proper cultural and management practices like application of required fertilizers at proper stage, pruning of some old branches just after harvesting, debloosming of some flower buds during February-March, application of recommended plant growth regulators at proper stage etc. can prevent the disorders to a large extent.


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