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       Article by:Bhargavi


Biofertilizers are substance that contains microbes, which helps in promoting the growth of plants and trees by increasing the supply of essential nutrients to the plants. It comprises living organisms which include mycorrhizal fungi, blue-green algae, and bacteria.

It’s a microbial green revolution. Bio fertilizers are having it sown advantages over chemical fertilizers and it is economically and environmental friendly too. With the increasing demand in agriculture it has become important for us to increase the Productivity by using various fertilizers insecticides Pesticides .But with the tremendous use of these products the soil has been affected badly because of the depletion in the essential minerals of the soil. So to overcome this problem it has become important for all of us to use a different remedy for the production of various bio fertilizers. They are the best at economic value.



🔹You may have already studied the nitrogen-fixing nodules on the roots of legumes. This a great example of biofertilizers. The nodules are formed by the association of the bacterium ‘Rhizobium’ with the roots of these plants. This association is beneficial and is, therefore, called ‘symbiotic’.
🔹The nodules help in fixing atmospheric nitrogen into organic forms which can then be used as nutrition by the plants. Adding Rhizobium cultures to fields has become a common practice to ensure an adequate amount of nitrogen in the soil.
🔹Other examples of bacteria that act as biofertilizers include Azospirillum and Azotobacter. These bacteria are free-living in the soil. Azotobacter is usually used with crops like cotton, wheat, mustard, maize, etc.


🔹Symbiotic associations exist between plants and fungi too. These associations are called ‘Mycorrhizae’. The fungus in this association absorbs phosphorus from the soil and provides it to the plant.


🔹These are blue-green bacteria found in water and on land. They also help fix atmospheric nitrogen. Examples are Oscillatoria, Nostoc, Anabaena etc. The symbiotic association between the aquatic fern Azolla and Anabaena is very important for rice fields. In this association, Anabaena receives carbon and nitrogen from the plant in exchange for fixed nitrogen. This adds organic matter to the soil enhancing the fertility of rice fields.

Unigrow (UniGrow): a commercial bio fertilizer that is currently in use. It is made with a by-product of palm oil production and it contains a microbial element.It has been shown to have promising results in studies.

How biofertilizers are applied to crops?

Seed treatment: 200 g of nitrogenous biofertilizer and 200 g of Phosphotika are suspended in 300-400 ml of water and mixed thoroughly. Ten kg seeds are treated with this paste and dried in shade. The treated seeds have to be sown as soon as possible.

Seedling root dip: For rice crop, a bed is made in the field and filled with water. Recommended biofertilizers are mixed in this water and the roots of seedlings are dipped for 8-10 hrs.

Soil treatment: 4 kg each of the recommended biofertilizers are mixed in 200 kg of compost and kept overnight. This mixture is incorporated in the soil at the time of sowing or planting.

Advantages of bio fertilizers:

◾Increase crop yield by 20-30%.
◾Replace chemical nitrogen and phosphorus by 25%.
◾Stimulate plant growth.
◾Activate the soil biologically.
◾Restore natural soil fertility.
◾Provide protection against drought and some soil borne diseases.
◾Cost effective.
◾Eco-friendly (Friendly with nature).


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