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Article by -Ch.Anusha

🌟What has happened in a concentrated environment has led to the birth of a never-heard-before agricultural development, scientists are calling Brimato. The dual-grafted hybrid plant is born by grafting a tomato and brinjal.
What is brimato???

👉An Innovative Technology to produce Brinjal and Tomato in the same plant through Grafting.

Scientists at the Indian Council of Agriculture Research-Indian Institute of Vegetable Research in Uttar Pradesh’s Varanasi have successfully developed the hybrid plant by grafting a brinjal and a tomato plant. The dual-grafted “Brimato” would be useful in urban and suburban areas where there are very little spaces for growing vegetables, the developers believe.
Hybrid development :

👉The process of grafting was done using brinjal seedlings that were 25 to 30 days old and tomato seedlings that were 22 to 25 days old, the agriculture research institute said on its website, describing the process of developing Brimato.
👉After grafting, the seedlings were kept under a controlled atmospheric condition, where the temperature, humidity and light were kept at optimal levels for the first five to seven days. After this, they were placed in partial shade for another five to seven days.

👉The grafted plants were taken to the field 15 to 18 days after the grafting process. The scientists fed the plants with adequate fertiliser and took care to immediately remove shoots that grow below the grafting point on the plant.

👉Brinjal and tomatoes started fruiting in the plants two months to 70 days after the plants were rooted in the field.

👉The original plants used for grafting were a hybrid variety of brinjal – Kashi Sandesh – and a hybrid variety of tomato, Kashi Aman., The two were successfully grafted into a brinjal rootstock.


👉Brimato plant is developed through an inter-specific grafting approach but not-genetic engineering technique that’s why it is a non-genetic modified plant.
👉 It is considering a versatile plant because of dual cropping system, space-saving, significantly growing in a kitchen garden and roof gardening for seasonally produce fresh vegetable.
👉Presently, the utilization of various advanced breeding approaches and genetic engineering is commercially developed new plant with higher production and stress tolerance. Whereas, an emerging technique like inter-specific grafting precisely convenient, produce good ideotype plant easy to cultivate for solving the problems concerned with biotic and abiotic stress management and high yield per unit area.

Use of fertilizers:

👉The fertilizers were applied at 150:60:100 Kg NPK/ha, besides 25 Tonnes of FYM. 


about 36.0 fruits with 2.383 Kg yields were harvested in Tomato / plant and in Brinjal, 2.684 Kg yields were received from 9.2 Fruits / plant.


👉 Brimato is an ideotype interspecific grafted vegetable plant that may produce maximum yield per unit area and unit time with improved quality. 
👉This strategy can be used by farmers that have a small space for vegetable production and want to  receive the most return per  square foot.
👉 However, in the future,  this grafting technology could result in profitable modifications in the current vegetable production scenario. 



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